Monday, December 16, 2019

Four Years...

     I am closing out the fourth year of my ordeal of nasty tick-borne disease. This year was remarkable on two fronts: I found a way to connect with other people going through similar ordeals and I had an unfortunate set-back.
     Facebook Groups. They are awesome. I joined a few Lyme groups to help those who are struggling to understand what they are dealing with – especially those with heart block symptoms, which can be fatal if left untreated – and in the process, I learned about other symptoms that Lyme and coinfections can cause, like blurry vision. I didn’t know about that. I also connected with a few people who also dealt successfully with Lyme carditis.
     As for the set-back, I removed another tick. This one had set up shop on my leg, but probably only for a few hours before I plucked it off. That was Memorial Day. Within a day I had fallen ill with a bad headache. Soon after, pains in my heart, shoulder and foot set in. Dr Lyme#3 increased intensity of my protocol to address Lyme. A few weeks after that, the night sweats started up again; Babesiosis had returned, so Dr Lyme#3 shifted the scope of my protocol accordingly. He also confirmed that the neurological symptoms of Lyme and coinfections may include intermittently blurry vision.
     The latest protocol has helped a lot. My vision and most of the pains have improved, though the pain in my foot continued on and got much worse, so I called in my podiatrist to help. He sent samples to a lab for analysis, but he couldn't test for Lyme and coinfections despite my concern about the pain starting the day after the recent tick bite. Results showed a cyst with gout, so there you have it. Getting back to the protocol, as an unexpected bonus, my white blood cell and bilirubin counts moved into the normal range after a few cycles and they’ve stayed there since. That's a surprise, because basically they have been off for as long as I've had blood counts, and that's at least the past 20yrs, minus a few blips since I started treating for tick borne disease four years ago. WBC was low and the other very high. Anyway, I believe I am back on track now. I am looking at just a couple more cycles of this more intense protocol, then it looks like I will return to a maintenance protocol thereafter. And that’s basically where I had been before that tick bite.
     btw... This recent bug found me some time between getting on my swimsuit at my home and taking if off a few hours later. In between, I went to my neighborhood pool.

As you can see, this guy was somewhat small. The one that got me back four years ago was much smaller.

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